Many people have some level of hesitation to write a book.
That’s okay because it’s a new environment that’s not familiar. Especially non-writers, like… people who are not professional writers, tend to have this kind of hesitation. This is very similar to public speaking, for example. If someone is terrified of public speaking, it doesn’t mean they don’t know how to speak. They just don’t know how to speak in front of an audience, that’s all. Hesitation to write a book is also similar.
If all experts believed and nurtured such hesitation, the knowledge in this world…. won’t propagate effectively, will it?
What if all experts in the world develop hesitation and stop communicating? That’s not going to happen, right?
Actually, the focus should not be on hesitation. It should be on insights or wisdom or perspective… that you have gained over time. Most people’s hesitation about writing their own book comes from fear. Fear of judgment, fear of the process, fear of failing. It’s not they have nothing to share. In fact, everybody on this planet has SOMETHING to share with the world. Every soul has a different perspective, unique insights, and their own experiences of life, that they have gained over their lifetime, so far, isn’t it?
Decades ago, when I was still trying to establish my presence… in the school of hard-knocks, you know… after failing many times, feeling frustrated, when I was ready to give-up, I learned an important lesson in sales.
Listen to this… it’s crucial… If you have a great product or a service or domain knowledge or even good experience…. that you know can help other people…. It would be a DIS-SERVICE to society if you don’t tell people about it. Let me say it again… if you don’t tell people about you, your product, service, or information that could potentially benefit other people….., then you are guilty of not serving the society. Period.
This lesson struck me like a lightning bolt because I always thought talking about me, myself, or my stories and writing a book about my expertise was bragging…. No. It’s not bragging… it’s called branding…. Personal branding. It’s a way to connect with people at more deeper levels. It’s a way to reach more people in a big way. It’s a way to being of service to the society because when you share your understanding, your insights, your perspectives in your book, you are bringing a lot of hope and help to other people.
And listen… writing a book is NOT about sharing just information. If people want information, they will google it. It’s easy. Google has done a phenomenal job at putting together all the information at the tip of your fingers. If people want perspectives, if they want wisdom, if they want real help…., they will have to go to EXPERTS and LEADERS, like you.
Now, you will agree that writing a book is not about blowing your own trumpet but helping people who need your support. So, the hesitation is no longer relevant because you are not being asked to write your biography… you are asked to teach what you already know. This is something you are already familiar with, right? If I ask you 10 questions about your topic or expertise, I am sure you will be able to answer most of them. A book is an extension of those answers. An extension of your training. An extension of your leadership. That’s all.
So, if you want to be a beacon of hope and help to other people.. if you’d like to lead others effectively… and at the same time, if you want to reap all the benefits of becoming a published author… join me and thousands of other first-time authors at Together, let’s find your message to the world, fine tune it with our publishing advisors, and then let’s go ahead and create your own breakthrough book… all from scratch…. EVEN if you have never done it before. Let’s make you famous and well-known in your industry or even in your family, as the one who wrote that book. It’s an epic experience. You will love it.
Get over to That’s your next step. and choose your path to success. I will be waiting for you over there.
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